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The Association shall be known as Friends of Beaumont Primary School Parents Association (often simply referred to as the Friends of Beaumont or FOB).

The Association supports Beaumont Primary School, Old Lodge Lane, Purley, Surrey, CR8 4DN



The object of the association (the objects) is to advance the education and wellbeing of pupils in the school by providing or assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the school (not normally provided by the Local Authority).  This includes:

  1. Promoting close co-operation and communication between parents, school staff and others associated with the school

  2. engaging in activities which support and advance the education of the pupils attending the school, including fundraising

  3. considering applications for funds from parents, teachers, School Council and other groups and granting funds to support such applications where the request is passed by a majority of the committee members.



The committee members have the following powers, which may be exercised only in promoting the associations purpose (‘objects’):

  1. To provide advice

  2. To publish or distribute information

  3. To co-operate with other bodies

  4. To raise funds (but not by means of permanent trading)

  5. To acquire or hire property of any kind

  6. To make grants or loans of money and to give guarantees

  7. To set aside funds for special purposes or as reserves against future expenditure

  8. To deposit or invest funds in any lawful manner (but to invest only after obtaining advice from a financial expert and having regard to the suitability of investments and the need for diversification)

  9. To take out public liability and personal accident insurance to cover association meetings, activities, committee members, to insure the association’s property against any foreseeable risk and take out other insurance policies to protect the association where required

  10. To employ paid or unpaid agents, staff or advisers

  11. To enter into contracts to provide services to or on behalf of other bodies

  12. To pay the costs of forming the association

  13. To obtain and pay for goods and services as are necessary for carrying out the work of the association

  14. To consult parents on their views

  15. To open and operate bank and other accounts as the committee members consider necessary

  16. To do anything else within the law that promotes the objects



Members of the association are the parents, guardians or carers of any pupil currently attending the school or any person over the age of 18 wishing to offer appropriate support and who is accepted by the committee as a member.

Membership is terminated if:

  1. the member dies

  2. the member resigns by written notice to the association

  3. the committee members may for good reason, regardless of whether or not this is at the request of the governing body or the headteacher, exclude any person from membership or from attending an event whose presence at or support of the school is deemed a danger to the school or its pupils or staff or might bring the association into disrepute. Removal is not effective until the member concerned has been notified in writing of the proposal and his/her right to respond within 14 clear days, and the matter has been considered in light of any representations made.



There are two types of general meeting, Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Extraordinary General Meeting

All members are entitled to attend any general meeting of the association.

The general meetings are called by giving 10 clear days written notice of the meeting to the members. The notice should specify the date, time and location of the meeting as well as give an overview of the agenda.

There is a quorum at a general meeting when at least three committee members are present and at least one Office Bearer. The only exception would be at a meeting where the association is being dissolved: please see clause 10.

The Chair or (if the Chair is unable or unwilling to do so) some other committee member elected by those present is in charge of a general meeting

Each association member present at the meeting shall have one vote and resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority vote of those present. The Chair shall have the deciding vote which shall be used only in the event of a tie. Except where otherwise provided in this constitution (Dissolution: clause 10)


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The association shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the first few months of each school year.

At an AGM the members:

  1. receive the accounts of the association for the previous financial year

  2. receive the report from each of the committee members on the association’s activities since the previous AGM

  3. elect the committee members

  4. appoint an independent examiner or auditor for the association if this is needed

  5. discuss and determine any other business put before them in a motion

  6. Any member of the Association shall have the right to raise a motion to be voted on at the Annual General Meeting by sending the motion in writing to the Chair by no later than 5 days prior to the AGM.


Extraordinary General Meeting

A general meeting may also be called for special or extraordinary reasons (called an extraordinary general meeting or EGM).

Requests for an EGM can be submitted to the committee by:

A committee member

A group of 5 or more association members



All members of the committee have control of the association, its property and funds.

The committee is made up of Office Bearers and Year Group Representatives.

The committee may invite other association members on to the committee as deemed necessary

All committee members, except those who are co-opted, must be members of the association

Meetings of the Committee shall be held as required

There is a quorum at committee meetings when at least two committee members are present and at least one Office Bearer

Each member of the committee shall have one vote and resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority vote of those present. The Chair shall have the deciding vote which shall be used only in the event of a tie.

Committee members will hold office for one year and will be eligible for re-election at the end of the term. Committee members will be elected and re-elected at the AGM.

In the event of any vacancies, the Committee shall have the right to co-opt as many members as necessary to complete the complement until the following AGM.

A committee member (whether elected or co-opted) automatically ceases to be a committee member if he or she:

fails to attend meetings when required and does not play an active role in any of the activities of the Association, ceases to be a member of the association

resigns by written notice to the committee, but only if at least one committee members remain in office

is removed by a resolution passed by a majority of other committee members. Removal is not effective until the committee member concerned has been notified in writing of the proposal and his/her right to respond within 14 clear days, and the matter has been considered in light of any representations made.

A technical defect in the appointment of a committee member of which the committee is unaware at the time does not invalidate decisions taken at a meeting.


Office Bearers

The Office Bearers of the Association shall consist of:

  1. Chair

  2. Treasurer

  3. Secretary

The committee may create additional Office Bearers role as deemed necessary



The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping accurate records of the financial transactions, which will be complied into an annual report at the AGM

The Association’s financial year shall end on the last day of July in each year. If required, the accounts shall be reviewed annually by an independent examiner appointed at the previous AGM by the members.

The Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that all property/money received by/for the Association shall be applied for the aims of the Association.

Funds of the Association shall be lodged in a bank, building society or other account in the name of the Association. Monies must be withdrawn against the signatures of two named Committee members.

The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping accurate records of meetings and agreements (although the taking of minutes can be delegated)



Changes or additions to this constitution must be made at an AGM or an EGM called for the purpose. The proposed change shall be specified in the notice calling the meeting and be approved by not less than two thirds of those present.



The association may be dissolved by a resolution presented at an EGM or an AGM where this is included in the notice of the meeting. The resolution must have the agreement of two-thirds of those voting and must give instructions for the disposal of any assets remaining after paying the outstanding debts and liabilities of the association.

The net assets shall be given to the school for the benefit of the pupils of the school. In the event of the school closing any remaining funds could be distributed to a school(s) or charitable cause as selected by the committee.

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